A lil bit about moi.



Hello there you lovely people.

I have had this blog for like a year now and this still appears to be my first post, because I am such an indecisive person. I constantly upload, hate what I uploaded and remove it. However; my new years resolution is to dedicate all of my spare time and effort into this blog. I believe it will prove to be a wonderful investment come Uni and also a lot of fun.
So, I decided my first post (which will STAY) is going to be a little ~ about me. I will tell you little bits about myself, my personal style, things I enjoy and what this blog is going to be.
So, although right now I am practically talking to myself I am going to write 20 things about myself whilst I sit, drink my coffee and listen to 5 Seconds of Summer at 10:50 this morning.

  • My name is Fallon (obv), I am 18, I am a female and I live in Hull. Although, my birthday is in only 12 days (woo)
  • I love the colour pink and sparkles. Although I do not like to incorporate that (to much) into my personal style.
  • My favourite shop is definitely H&M, although since starting to work there Zara is shimmy-ing its way up the ladder.
  • As it says in the above ^ I currently work at Zara, in my spare time I really enjoy watching films/TV-series and drawing.
  • I love films to much, especially the Hunger Games. The Harry Potter franchise is also my all time favourite, it really was my childhood favourite.
  • I cried in the cinema during Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows part 2...like alot. It was pretty embarrassing. I was kinda depressed for like 2 weeks after also. Yeah...
  • I love Nicki Minaj from the absolute bottom of my heart. Judge me. I also really love One Direction, The Weeknd, Ariana Grande and 5SOS...what a mixture.
  • I would love to travel the world but I am absolutely petrified of planes. Some places I really want to go are Egypt, Paris, America (various places within), Germany, London and Japan.
  • I suffer with anxiety for the stupidest of reasons...mainly through the fear of being sick whilst doing something. It kind of takes over my life and really that is something I am hoping to overcome in the upcoming year.
  • My anxiety literally almost stopped me from going to a Nicki Minaj concert...which kind of shows how serious and crazy it is.
  • At school I really loved English, but not the English side, more-so the creative writing.
  • I am hoping to go to Hull Uni in September to study Fashion or Journalism. 
  • I am so indecisive about everything.
  • I kind of have a slight problem with shopping, I constantly buy things then realise I didn't need them and that they aren't that nice. I have to clear out my wardrobe about 5 times a year.
  • This blog is going to be based around my personal style. It will include clothing from affordable high-street stores that are affordable yet beautiful.
  • My guilty pleasure is Keeping up With The Kardashians, and anything Kardashian related.
  • My future career aspirations are definitely within fashion, I really hope to become a fashion stylist, or a fashion journalist or a fashion photographer. As you can see, I have a "passion for fashion".
  • The sentence " Passion for Fashion" always makes me laugh because it reminds of the Bratz dolls. 
  • I am a Sims addict. I am not-so-patiently awaiting the first Sims 4 expansion pack. I need it in my life. 
  • I found writing this a lot harder than I thought I would.

Wonderful. Well hopefully someone will read this. If not, atleast its here and its a start to what I hope will be a somewhat successful blog. Please follow and comment below, I would love to hear about what you thought of this post and how I could improve my blog. I will be posting weekly from now on, maybe more than once a week. I am so happy to finally be putting the time into this blog, hopefully it will pay off. Thanks! XO

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  1. Hi there! Thanks for the comment, my blog lovin' is www.bloglovin.com/FallonRachelle although I'm a bit unsure how it works as of now so I just stick to blogger. I'll hopefully figure it out soon and follow you back :) Xo

